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Calculate the cost of your current freight bill processing with our bill of lading (BOL) calculator.

To help you obtain a new level of visibility into your back office and make smarter planning decisions for your company’s future, we’ve designed this quick and easy-to-use Price-Per-BOL Calculator.

In order to determine how much of your budget is being allocated for in-house BOL processing, the bill of lading calculator will ask you a set of questions about your operations and incorporate industry averages for hourly wage, paid taxes, paid vacation, and more.

The calculator will quantify your current billing expenses down to the estimated price-per-BOL that you are currently paying. You can use the result to inform your strategy as you explore ways to optimize your freight billing process and decrease your cost per bill of lading.

First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Company name? *
What is your job title? *
Where are you headquartered? (City, State abbreviation, i.e. Seattle, WA) *
How many bills/shipments do you process per day? (Digits only, i.e. 5000) *
How many full-time data entry/billing associates do you employ? (Digits only, i.e. 1000) *
How many part-time data entry/billing associates do you employ? (Digits only, i.e. 1000) *
At your organization, what is the average hourly wage of a full-time and part-time billing/data entry associate? (Digits and decimals only, i.e. 7.25) *
What is your average annual turnover rate percentage? (Digits only, i.e. 20) *
If so, what percentage? (Please do not include symbols.) *
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